
Biomass (organic heat) boilers
Biomass organic heat carrier heating boilers are mainly biomass fuel to heat the oil guide for the new heating medium circulation device. It uses high-temperature heat transfer oil circulation pump forced closed circulation in the energy supply after the return to the boiler heating equipment heating process.
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Product introduction
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Biomass organic heat carrier heating boilers are mainly biomass fuel to heat the oil guide for the new heating medium circulation device. It uses high-temperature heat transfer oil circulation pump forced closed circulation in the energy supply after the return to the boiler heating equipment heating process. Because of its under normal pressure to obtain a higher operating temperature (300 ° C or so), enabling stable heating and precise temperature control, no water treatment equipment, heat utilization system, high Fortunately, easy operation and maintenance, It is a safe, energy-efficient heating equipment.

This series of compact biomass boiler structure, good looks, good performance and simple operation. Widely used in textile printing and dyeing, chemical industry, plastics industry, bearing in mind that the automotive coatings, synthetic fiber industry, rubber industry, shipbuilding industry, bearing in mind the food industry.
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